Sunninglye Farm

Kent, Tunbridge Wells


Évalué avec un 9.6

(353 Commentaires)

Évadez-vous vers une vie plus simple avec Gill et Jo

La ferme Sunninglye est nichée à la frontière entre le Kent et le Sussex parmi les collines du High Weald, une région d'une beauté naturelle exceptionnelle. La famille Miles vit dans ce lieu paisible avec des moutons, des cochons, des chats, des chiens, des chevaux et un âne!

Les lodges sont placés dans un bosquet ombragé au sommet d'une colline. Chaque hébergement offre une vue sur les champs et les bois environnants.

Testez des activités en pleine nature

La ville thermale historique de Tunbridge Wells, réputée pour son shopping, n'est qu'à quelques kilomètres de la ferme. Pour les activités en famille, la forêt de Bedgebury Go Ape est à 16 km et l’escape Game Clue Cracker à 7 km. Visitez Kingdom Woodland, un café installé dans la forêt qui sert des plats délicieux et d'origine locale.

Les activités disponibles à la ferme

La ferme propose de nombreuses activités pour les petits et les grands. Faites du kayak, participez à une activité de construction de radeaux, à un défi de la faune ou à un soin aux poneys. Chaque hébergement dispose de son propre emplacement pour faire un feu de camp. Dans le cellier, vous retrouvez de nombreux produits régionaux et plats faits maison… Faites le plein de bonnes choses et essayez-vous au slow cooking sur le poêle à bois de votre lodge ou sur le barbecue de votre terrasse. Profitez de ces vacances dans nos confortables lodges Un Lit au Pré pour vous déconnecter de la vie quotidienne.

À quoi pouvez-vous vous attendre ?

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    Animaux de compagnie autorisés

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    Précommande de paniers de fruits et légumes

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    Four à pizza

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    Terrain de jeux pour enfant

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    Farm tour

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    Close to water

Quels animaux trouve-t-on à la ferme ?








Vous aussi ?

Ce que nos clients préfèrent.

  • ✓ Lieu intimiste : 5 éco-lodges
  • ✓ No electricity
  • ✓ Entourés de forêts
  • ✓ Raft building
  • ✓ Rencontrer et panser les chevaux
  • ✓ différents animaux de ferme

Découvrez nos lodges champêtres

Lines Disponibilités & Prix
Boerenbed UK 1531 1
Photo de l'intérieur d'un écolodge Un Lit Au Pré, on y voit un poêle à chauffer, une table pour les dîners, et le tout avec une décoration en bois bois et avec de vieux objets du quotidien.
On voit deux parents dans leur lit. La maman boit son café et le papa lit son magazine, avec un petit rayon de soleil qui vient se poser sur eux.
Boerenbed UK 1315 1
Webimage AF743 C83 3 B32 434 B 9 B9 CBC1 BFA0953 CA
Check Vacances en famille en pleine nature
Check Séjour déconnecté pour une immersion totale
Check Moments chaleureux à la lumière des bougies
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    Ce qui est compris dans la réservation :

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    Le bois pour le poêle à bois

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    Un pack de bienvenue avec : bougies, allumettes, ustensiles de vaisselle et fourniture de base

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    Le linge de lits, le lit double fait à votre arrivée et les serviettes de bain

Que disent nos invités ?

Note moyenne




Been there before, 5 years ago. The kids had just as much fun as last time. Feeding the lambs, goats and pigs. My lad liked the horse and donkey. Outside shower was novel. The little pond a bit of a walk. Plenty of crayfish to catch. Remember to pack wellies or boots, or you'll ruin your white trainers 🤣. Will defo be back.




Heel goede ervaring. Gastvrije boerin en schitterend uitzicht.




Absolutely amazing!




Absolutely brilliant Gill who runs farm is very nice and helpful if advice is needed




Excellent time away enjoying the countryside, feeding and grooming the animals, walking around the farm and fields and having fun down at the pond.








Exceeded our expectations. Everything we needed was there, comfortable accommodation, and it was a safe and fun place for the children to play




We had a wonderful week exploring the farm as a family. One of the highlights were to bottle feed the lamb!




Fun, relaxing, peaceful family break.




Fantastic experience, the children loved it and the lambs were just so lovely




A great way to spend time together, outside but with comforts. Farmer’s stew was fun to make and very tasty.




Incredibly peaceful, beautiful place. The farmer was very welcoming and everything was perfect. We had a wonderful time.




Despite the pouring rain, the children continuously laughed as they climbed, paddled, swam, whilst we sheltered, enjoyed the valley views and ate pizza - what a perfect weekend!




A total resetting of going slowly and the joy of cooking together as a family.




What a week! Wonderful hosts, amazing animals (those chickens really are living their best lives!) and proper free range fun! A week of messing about on - and in - the water, being nuzzled by Norman the friendly donkey, and rummaging in the woods. With a cozy bed to curl up in and listen to the sound of rain on the roof at the end of the day. Who could ask for more?





Amazing! We had the best weekend just adventuring around the farm, feeding the animals, fishing for Crayfish, making pizza's and soaking up the sun.



Mrs Dennis


Not being someone who particularly likes, tents, camping or generally 'roughing it' in any way at all - i really didn't know what to expect before we turned up, but from the moment that we arrived it was clear that we were going to have a lovely stay. Having been welcomed by Gill in the car park and helped down to our canvas hideaway, we all felt immediately at home and relaxed in the idyllic space.The tent was basic but clean and very well appointed and I can only say that the lack of electricity, oil lamps and candles added significantly to the overall charm of the experience. The adventure began immediately as we set about building our fire for our 'farmers stew'! We invested in a number of the food packs before arriving, which were lovingly customised for us as we are all vegetarians - I can't recommend this enough. Quality and quantity of all were great and added to the fun of the stay. We ate our dinner on the first night as the sun was setting, surrounded by the blissful tranquillity that the farm offers.On the second day our tasty breakfast pack arrived, allowing us to enjoy a veggie full-English before embarking to feed the animals. We were collected at around 10, and invited to meet Cyril and Margot (a pair of delightfully ugly, but charming pigs), Norman the donkey, a beautiful horse, some goats, several very happy ex-battery hens and some bottle fed lambs. For my 4-year-old son - bottle feeding a lamb was an immense highlight. This was followed by a trip to the pond where we did some fishing and went out on the water in a rowboat. The afternoon was filled with other adventures like races through the field, playing in the park and generally climbing on things and collecting all kinds of woodland paraphernalia!Saturday night the pizza oven was lit, and we prepared our pizza for tea using the carefully selected items available in the honesty shop. This was enjoyed with some delicious local ice-cream!Board games by oil lamps and red wine by the fire characterised the evening, which was as relaxed and as cosy as could be in our beautiful tent. We left feeling totally refreshed, and my son felt very sad to be leaving without saying good bye to Frank the resident sheepdog - with whom he made fast friends.I could go on about all the other stuff we did in our two short days - but suffice to say it was lovely, exceeded expectations and I’m sure we'll be back.



Mrs O'Grady


Wholesome family fun



miss simpson


Another great stay at Sunninglyle



Mrs Devine


Great Family Fun



Mrs Wise


We had a really relaxed, fun time, staying at Sunninglyle Farm. The kids said it was one of their best holidays ever, and didn’t want to go home.



Mr Hubbard


Our family, 2 adults and 2 boys (7 and 5) glamped on Sunningle Farm, the farm is a working farm so lots of animals which we loved and the boys who especially liked to feed them. Despite it being a working farm, it was very tranquil with spectacular views.Our tent was large with cosy beds for all and a flushing toilet, we opted for a shower block nearby which always had hot water.We didn’t have any electricity so lighting in the evening was candles or paraffin lamps which we liked, plus cooking on the stove, which was also very good at keeping the tent warm.Lovely walks are available through the farm and we were hosted by Gill who was awesome at showing us what’s what and making sure we had everything we needed. She introduced us to the animals and allowed our boys to feed them. She made a big fuss of our boys and even made a bow for one of them as a present! Gill was a star.There was an honestly shop on site which stocked basics and ability to charge devices if needed. There is also a BBQ kit which is worth renting and Gill runs a pizza oven night on a Wednesday which was great fun.The farm is well located for days out to the surrounding area.



Mrs Higson


We had a fabulous stay at Sunninglye Farm and Gill was a fantastic host who made our stay absolutely perfect.



Mrs Kandiah


A relaxing break, a total escape from our normal routine and a chance to focus on family time.



Mrs Terry


A wonderful few days with plenty of off grid activity



Mrs. Margaroli


Our 13th visit to Sunninglye and as good as ever. Jo and Gill are the most wonderful hosts!



Miss Moore


We went to Sunninglyle for my mum's 60th and it was fantastic. The farm is idyllic, with lots of very friendly animals to meet, and the accommodation was very comfortable and cosy. We had an amazing time raft building on the pond and brunch in wooded area. All of the food was delicious, the host was very attentive and made sure we had everything we needed, she even let us bottle feed the lambs! We had a really fabulous weekend



Mrs Hides


Enjoyable as ever! Our third visit to Sunninglye and another great experience. The children love feeding the lambs, collecting eggs, using the boats on the pond and generally roaming free. Gill is a great host.



Miss Hipperson


Amazing hosts, so friendly and helpful. Waking up to the stunning views each morning was absolutely magical. The children loved the lamb feeding, meeting the horses, pigs, chickens and the donkey. The boating pond and brunch is such a wonderful experience. Back to nature holidays are the way forward, we will be back next year!



Ms Marsh


Great experience getting back to nature with beautiful surroundings.



Mevrouw Blom


We hebben enorm genoten! De tent was compleet , een fijne douche in een apart gebouwtje verderop, de rondlopende kippen bij de tent, lammetjes de fles mogen geven en zelfs even de kids (2,5 en 4 jaar) op de tractor mogen zitten van boerin Gill:-). Ze vonden het geweldig, het weer werkte gelukkig ook goed mee. Vermoedelijk gaan we nog wel een keer een boerenbed boeken!



Mrs Cook


From start, to finish, it was the perfect relaxing holiday that we had hoped for; Gillian and Jo could not have done more to ensure a fun, comfortable, relaxing stay at Sunninglye Farm. We had great fun gathering wood for the camp fire and the pizza oven and enjoyed the experience of cooking on these, as well as the wood burning stove in the tent, the latter was greatly assisted by the provision of wonderful dry wood to burn so it was never any bother to get the fire going and up to cooking temperature in a short space of time. And, on the days it was wet and windy, the fire kept us warm and cosy for a 'snuggle-in' reading day. We greatly enjoyed exploring the fields, woods and pond - the fish were so intriguing to watch! we took a boat out on the pond which was enormous fun; we collected our eggs for breakfast - delicious! had chats with Denise, Margo and Cyril (pigs) and the donkey and pony too. There was so much to keep us entertained and relaxing at Sunninglye, we didn't leave the farm once we'd arrived, taking full advantage of their fresh bread deliveries (utterly scrumptious!) and the delicious meat from a local butcher, also delivered to us. The 'honesty shop' took me back to being a child, literally like a child in a sweet shop - it has sooooo many treats and goodies and thoughtful items to enable you to cook a complete meal if needed i.e. pizza bases, pesto, ice cream - even boxes of matches. This holiday was to celebrate a 70th birthday and a retirement (so we're no 'spring chickens' )and it was absolutely wonderful and I would wholeheartedly recommend it, if you're looking for a complete break and a 'step off the treadmill'! Thank you Gillian and Jo for all your hard work, that you make look so easy, in providing a really memorable holiday.........we shall definitely be back!!!



heer Senden


Geweldige week gehad op Sunninglye Farm. Gill is erg vriendelijk en zorgzaam, er was veel te doen voor de kinderen, en de tent ligt heel vrij met een prachtig uitzicht over de heuvels. De "farmhouse" douches bevielen prima.



Mr Lerner


A blissful stay on a beautiful farm a short distance from London. Wonderful host farmer and loads to do on the farm.



Miss Kopach


Gill is the best host you could ever wish for!



Mrs Brinkley


An incredible woodland adventure in the best of Kent’s beautiful landscapes. Gill is one of the most enthusiastic and accommodating hosts you could hope for, we were really privileged to spend time on her farm.



Mrs Powell


A breath of fresh air from the busy day to day normality



Mrs Bryant


We had the best 4 days, quality family screen fee time!



Mr Robinson


We're a family of 4 with a mad cocker spaniel. The whole experience was fab and we were hosted brilliantly. Jill rang prior to our stay and made helpful suggestions with our itinerary and gave us tips on what to pack. The kids had a brilliant time, bottle-feeding the baby lambs and meeting the other animals. Jill also took our vehicle-mad 4-year-old on the tractor when we weren't able to get to Diggerland. She showed us where we could let our dog off the lead and explore away from the vulnerable ewes and lambs, and also kept a fenced-off field available for us to exercise him near the tent. We had a day out at Camber Sands and also went to Bedgebury Pinetum, which although expensive to park (£14 for a car!) was a fab day out with loads of activities for the kids. The tent itself was well equipped and comfy, we needed hot water bottles at night and learned to light the fire early on to stay cosy in the evening, but we had a great time. We definitely needed our camping stove, and we made good use of the pizza oven one night which the kids really enjoyed. Overall a really great stay in a beautiful part of the UK.


Les hôtes

Jill et Joe

Nous sommes la famille Miles et nous partageons cet endroit paisible avec des moutons, des cochons, des chats et des chiens. Le cheval minitiuare s'appelle Braveheart, les poneys gypsy cobs Nutmeg et Rodney et l'âne, Norman. Jo et Gill s'occuperont de vous pendant votre séjour. Cela nous fera très plaisir de vous accueillir prochainement

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Pizza oven 2


Soirée pizza

Le fermier enflamme généralement le four à pizza pendant votre séjour. Tout le monde se réunit pour raconter leurs experiences de la journée et créer des garnitures de pizza que vous ne trouverez pas dans le commerce.

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Demandez au fermier

La visite de la ferme est incontournable lorsqu'elle est proposée. N'attendez donc pas pour le faire! Le fermier sera ravi de vous en dire plus sur ce qui se passe à la ferme à tout moment.

IMG 5246


La boutique de la ferme

Il est idéal pour les produits de base et généralement encore mieux pour les produits locaux. Et chaque boutique de la ferme Un Lit au Pré fonctionne sur la base de l'honnêteté.

Des vacances insolites au cœur d'une ferme

les possibilités pendant votre séjour

Chaudron au Pré - Soupe Paysanne Légumes
Chaudron au Pré - Soupe Paysanne Légumes

Le fermier vous confiera tout le matériel nécessaire et les ingrédients (+ une baguette de pain) pour faire une délicieuse soupe pour 4 personnes. (28,50€ pour 4 personnes)

Chaudron au Pré - Mitonné Fermier Viande
Chaudron au Pré - Mitonné Fermier Viande

Recommandation !


Le fermier vous confiera tous les ingrédients et la viande pour 4 personnes. (selon disponibilités et possibilité de réserver sur place)

Animaux domestiques
Animaux domestiques

Un maximum de deux chiens par tente. Le tarif est par chien et par séjour.

À proximité de

Puits royaux de Tunbridge

Forêt enchantée


Go Ape

Réservez votre expérience unique

Voir les disponibilités et les prix